Monday 17 January 2011

Keep Fit for Writers

The newspapers at the moment are absolutely stuffed with ideas for losing weight/getting into shape, all of which makes January far more depressing than it needs to be, but never one to be off-trend, here is a quick thought about how you can limber up as a writer.

Why not tone your creative muscles before you set to work by writing down a list of ten similes - these are comparisons which use like or as, for example, "Her skin was wrinkled up like paper which is wet" or "His words, as sharp as iodine, stung." It's a good way to get your juices flowing and, who knows, it might lead you somewhere productive.

On another note, it is quite important to keep physically active as a writer, so that you don't succumb to occupational hazards like RSI or even arthritis. I use software from a company called Wellnomics, which reminds you at set intervals to take a short pause, as well as suggesting exercises you can do at your desk during longer breaks.  Without it, I know that I'll get so immersed in what I'm writing that I will sit at my desk for hours at a time, barely moving, silting up.

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