Monday 13 August 2012

An Alphabet of Better Writing # Q

Q is for...Questions

There are loads of questions which, as a writer, you might ask yourself -- not least, what on earth am I doing this for? However, questions can be an extremely useful tool in helping you to tease out an idea and then fashion some kind of structure so you can turn it into a story.

Here's my list of twenty questions which might just get you started:

  1. What is it about this idea that interests me?
  2. Why does it interest me?
  3. Does it interest me enough for me to want to spend years of my writing life working on it?
  4. Where can I find out information about my idea -- will it be easy to research?
  5. Do I have sufficient personal experience to draw upon to do justice to my idea?
  6. Is there a market for what I want to write?
  7. What genre will my book fall into?
  8. Has the idea had been done to death by other people?
  9. What can I bring to this idea that nobody else will have thought of?
  10. Will my protagonist be male or female?
  11. Will I tell the story in the first person or the third?
  12. Where will the story start?
  13. How much back story do I need and how do I introduce it?
  14. When is the story set?
  15. Am I going to use a past tense or the continuous present?
  16. Where is the story set?
  17. How much of the plot do I need to nail down in advance?
  18. Will I be able to cope if my story is rejected?
  19. Will I be able to cope if my story is accepted?
  20. And the really big question: what font shall I use?

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