Thursday 19 July 2012

An Alphabet of Better Writing - # G

G is for Genesis...

I have found it incredibly helpful to have a little Book of Genesis running alongside the actual book I'm writing.  I don't formulate a strict plotline in advance, but I do make regular, detailed notes in my writing journal, I stick photos in, and copies of the feedback from my agent - anything and absolutely everything that has contributed to the creative process. I do this partly so that I don't forget any thoughts or ideas, but also to help me keep track of the gestation (I guess G is also for Gestation) of the story. This way I can monitor where I'm going and also make sense of where I've been.  It's incredibly precious to me, almost as precious as the manuscript itself, and while I let friends and family see various drafts of my novel, my journal is utterly private.

How do you keep track of your writing life??

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