Friday 28 October 2011

Mood Music

It's a sunny day today, and yesterday wasn't.  The dawn this morning was infused with pink light colouring a gauzy mist and the dawn yesterday was clammy with drizzle.  The view from my window yesterday and today couldn't be more different..The effect of light is similar to (and influences) mood; indeed, pathetic fallacy is the technical term for using the weather as a means of expressing the emotional state of the characters in a story.  The links between the two are strong, both in fiction and in the real world.

So here's a little exercise, in case you have some free time over the weekend (hah!) Try experimenting with the effect that mood can have on a scene.  Pick a situation and describe it in a mood of intimacy and then in a mood of alienation, or joy/sadness -- choose two contrasting ones that interest you.  Then try fusing your two versions together so that you have a situation that starts on one emotional note and then changes to another -- just like your average day, really....

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